Monday, July 12, 2010

The IBGC Event DC Chapter: The IBGC Hosts 'The Bedroom' at Ibiza 7/9/10

From l. to r. - Toni W., NadiBadGal, Toni C. (top row), Keisha, Crystal, CeCe & Ayrikah (bottom row)

On Friday, July 9th, The IBGC was afforded the opportunity to host an exclusive VIP room at Ibiza Nightclub in DC, one of the hottest Friday night venues in the city. Seven of our members were asked by one of DC's finest promoters; Nu the Mayor, to host 'The Bedroom', Ibiza's newest and most exclusive VIP rooms. Shown above, #TeamIBGC arrived and shut it down. Big shouts go out to EZ Street and DJ Quicksilva for showing The IBGC so much love that night.

Check out more pics from this great event taken by Anwaa Kong at Elite DC Mag or @elitedcmag on Twitter.

Nadi, Toni C., CeCe, & Toni W.   





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